Star one - Vitims of the modern age







Beluister: Two plus two equals five.

Ayreon - Timeline







Beluister: The Accusation.

Rodney Blaze - Behind Doors





Listen to: Rock DJ.

Beluister: Little Wing.

Rodney Blaze - Back to the future







Beluister: Soldier of fortune.

Block Busters - Powder to the People







Beluister: Action.

Xenobia - Burn it away





Beluister: How about you.

Beluister: Burn it away.

Fatal Attraction - Wonderland







Beluister: Paralised.

Star one - Vitims of the modern age





Beluister: Back in the saddle.

Beluister: Sweet emotion.

Rodney Blaze- Bonus Tracks

Listen to: Perfect Gentleman .

Listen to: Gigalo.

Listen to: Highway to hell.

Listen to: Rollin.